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<功能特点: Features: 1. 光、机、电、一体化设计,性能更稳定。 Integration of photographic, mechanic and electric technologies, giving more stable performance. 2. 极高的加工精度,最大误差小于0.05mm。 Great processing precision, maximum tolerance at 0.05mm. 3. 极高的雕刻速度1000/s。 Extremely high engraving speed, 1000/s. 4. 业内领先的连续、快速曲线切割功能:普通机型60/s,先进机型300/s。 The leading technology of uninterrupted and fast curve cutting: with standard model at 60/s and advanced model at 300/s. 5. 最短加工路径优化功能,大大提高工作效率。 Optimized function of selecting shortest path, greatly improving working efficiency. 6. 用户可选的激光管专用冷水机,大大提高激光管的工作寿命和雕刻效果。 Customer optional cooling water machine for laser tube, greatly prolonging the working life of the tube and bettering engraving effect. 7. 进口大直径硅镀锌10.6um波长反射镜,及ZnSe聚焦镜,光衰更小,焦点更细。 Imported big-diameter galvanized silicon reflection mirror of 10.6um length wave and ZnSe focus lens provide slighter light wane and finer focus. 8. 与AutoCAD, CorelDRAW,文泰等各种图形处理软件无缝对接,直接原图输出。 Seamlessly compatible to such image processing softwares as AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, and, Wenti, giving output of original photos. 9. 直接支持AutoCAD任意手绘曲线。 Support hand any drawn curves of AutoCAD. 10. 支持多种格式的文件,图形格式有BMP、PLT、DXF、GIF、AI等 Support files of various formats such as BMP, PLT, DXF, GIF and AI for image processing. 11. 先进的颜色管理,支持任意多种颜色,随意定义雕刻次序,全部或部分一次性输出。 Advanced color management, supporting the combination of any colors, engraving in freely defined sequence, partial or total output in one time. 12. 完美的坡度雕刻、灰度图雕刻。 Perfect grade and grayness engraving.

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